In the old vein of apos;you donapos;t know unless you tryapos; I thought Iapos;d head down to Autobarn (the closest auto shop to mine) to see if they had something that would do.
I picked out an extendable socket set that was quite cheap, as in the single bits, they didnapos;t have the size I need.
I went to the counter and said apos;look, Iapos;m sorry, I donapos;t think this will go through on my card, but I need to tryapos;.
Giggity giggity
And itapos;s working a treat. Left rear shock assembly out YESSSSSSSS
I might be able to get some sleep on Thursday night at this rate. Heheheheheeheheheh.
I must admit the salesman was quite amused by my ecstatic happiness.
Oh, and there was a light blue MG TC outside when I pulled up, with tan interior. Gorgeous.
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