Who: Padme and ShegHIJACKED
What: Padme we should have a converI WANT MY MOMMA GOD DAMN IT
Anna Possible-Go could not find her computer.
She saw no Hoods, could read fiction books, and her stupid half-brother wasnapos;t in her face.
Anna couldnapos;t decide what was better or worse.
She DID know that if she didnapos;t find her mothers, one of them (ahem) would probably blow everything up looking for her, and threaten everyone along the way.
"Excuse me, Iapos;m homeless and want cookies." She shamelessly begged the first person she saw (using skills she definitely werenapos;t imitating from Shego), before realizing who it was.
"Aunt Padme" She latched onto Padme as tightly as possible.
It was pretty tight.
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